FoodBev Manufacturing SETA works hard to ensure a variety of exceptional learning programmes. 

Developing the skills of our youth through the sector’s vocational training programmes is a major advantage that aids in the increase of getting employed and securing a higher quality of life. They also equip people with the right tools to be effective in the workforce. Besides the primary skills being taught, the programmes help learners enhance their time management, networking and communication skills. All skills that are acquired by learners directly contribute to South Africa’s economic growth and future development.

Here is a list of learning programmes that we can provide:


A learnership is a work-based learning programme that leads to a nationally recognised qualification registered on the NQF. Learnership qualifications are directly related to occupations or fields of work. FoodBev Manufacturing SETA also funds learnership qualifications that have been developed by other SETAs, but address a scarce skill in the food and beverages manufacturing sector.


Apprenticeships combine theory, practical work and workplace practice in a chosen trade field, and in the case of a listed trade ends in a trade test and an artisan certificate of competence.

The Apprenticeship Grant Policy is made available to assist employers to partially subsidise the cost of implementing apprenticeships. Funding for the training of apprentices in certain apprenticeships (listed below) are available to employers in the form of a grant, subject to the applicants meeting the qualifying criteria.

The following apprenticeships have been identified as a priority through the scarce skills research conducted by the FoodBev Manufacturing SETA:

  • Fitter and turner
  • Fitters
  • Millwrights
  • Electricians
  • Air-conditioning and refrigeration
  • Any other apprenticeship that may be identified as a scarce skill, and which is on the NAMB list

Skills programmes

These are short, occupation-based training programmes related to valuable skills needed in the workplace. All skills programmes must award NQF-registered credits by delivering one or more NQF-registered part qualifications. These credits can be used towards an NQF-registered qualification.



Internships can be considered upskilling experiences. FoodBev Manufacturing SETA can offer work experiences that can help you to learn about the industry and your future career. Interns are usually undergrads or students whose internships last between a month and three months.

All parties interested are welcome to apply for the positions on offer, with suitably qualified applicants being invited to the FoodBev Manufacturing SETA recruitment exercise.

Work integrated learning

The Work Experience Grant constitutes substantial funding by the SETA of the cost of training employees and unemployed persons on a work experience programme. It is necessary that clear qualifying criteria for work experience grants are set out, and that employers adhere to the Skills Development Act and relevant regulations in the implementation of work experience programmes.

Take a look at our Career Guidance page if you’re interested in exploring options.