Skills Development and Funding
Skills Development and Facilitators
Mandatory Grants
Discretionary Grants
Special Projects
Non-levy Paying Entities
Skills Development and Facilitators
Through our sector skills plan and workplace skills plans, we provide opportunities for practical work experiences and promote learnerships. Our skills development grants support employers and individuals in advancing their competencies and achieving success in this dynamic field.
Mandatory Grants
Mandatory Grants encourage employers to submit Annual Training Reports (ATRs) and Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) to their SETAs to provide data on their workforce and skills needs.
Mandatory Grant applications for 2023/2024 must be submitted by 30 April 2023 for FoodBev Manufacturing Levy Paying Companies (Large, Medium, Small). Mandatory Grant applications must be submitted online through the FoodBev SETA application system.
Discretionary Grants
The SETA may award discretionary grants for skill development projects relating to scarce and critical skills. Disciplined grants are intended to assist the SETA in implementing the Sector Skills Plan through its Annual Performance Plan.
Special Projects
Special Projects address the FoodBev SETA’s strategic priorities, including national or industry imperatives, as outlined in the Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan.
Non-levy Paying Entities
Non-levy-paying entities can benefit from SETAs. The skills, training, and guidance we provide to non-levy paying organisations can help you grow and forge career paths within the sector.