Food and Beverages Manufacturing Sector Education and Training Authority (FoodBev SETA) hereby invites you to submit quotations to provide B-BBEE management software licence as follows:
Request for quotations for the provision of a suitable provider to provide a B-BBEE Management Software Licence
Bid Number: RFQ
Type: RFQ
Status: Closed
Closing date of submission: 04/05/2023 11:00 am
Closing time of submission: 11:00 am SA Time
Quotes to be emailed to:
All quotes must be valid for: All quotes must be valid for at least 30 Days
Delivery address for the goods: 13 Autumn Street, Rivonia Johannesburg
All queries/ clarifications can be sent in writing, citing the bid reference above to the undermentioned person before the closing date for the quote:
Queries addressed to: Lunga Mokoena
Telephone Number: Landline 011 253 7300
Email address to send queries to: