Qualifications & Accreditation
Meet the QA Team
Quality Assurance functions have been assigned to FoodBev Manufacturing SETA’s Quality Assurance (QA) Department by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). In its capacity as a Designated Skills Provider (DQP), our QA Department is responsible for the development of occupational qualifications, part-qualifications, skills programmes and learnerships. In addition, as an Assessment Quality Partner (AQP), we are tasked with accreditation of Assessment Centres, and developing, conducting and managing Assessments against QCTO-registered skills programmes, and SAQA-registered occupational and part-qualifications.
Through the agreement with QCTO, we also play a role in the accreditation of Skills Development Providers (SDPs) against Occupational and part-qualifications as well as Skills Programmes. It further extends to the accreditation of SDPs against legacy qualifications, registration of assessors and moderators against legacy qualifications, as well as Quality Assurance of learners’ achievements, which includes external moderation and certification.
Transition to OQSF Implementation
Qualifications development – there has been a change in qualifications structure, with qualifications now aligning directly to occupations (see the OFO document here). There has also been a change to Registered Occupational Qualifications, Dairyman-related qualifications and Wine-making Assistant qualifications.
Accreditations – The new system uses assessors and moderators in different ways than before. Certification will be solely the responsibility of the QCTO. Our QA Department’s role will be limited to administration work on the certification of learners.
Assessments – Formative assessments can be done by the SDP. External Integrated Summative Assessments (EISA) can only be conducted by the AQP, which is FoodBev SETA. Certificates can only be awarded to learners after a pass on EISA.
Registered qualifications
* Historical qualifications: No applications against historical qualifications will be accepted post 15 June 2024.
For a list of current registered skills programmes please contact Bigfish Mashau: Bigfishm@foodbev.co.za or call on +27 11 253 7341.
Occupational qualifications
A Skills Development Provider (SDP) is accredited if they meet the accreditation criteria and requirements for the qualification they wish to be accredited for. An accredited SDP can train employees in the workplace. To assess the standards, modules, and qualifications registered with the NQF, SDPs hire assessors and moderators.
QCTO accreditation involves an initial application, verification processes handled by FoodBev Manufacturing SETA QA, and QCTO’s recommendation.
For more information on the Accreditation process and requirements, please contact:
accreditationqueries@foodbev.co.za, cc: Bigfishm@foodbev.co.za or +27 11 253 7341
Escalations may be sent to QA Manager: Llewellinv@foodbev.co.za or +27 11 253 7323 or the Senior Manager, Ntokozo Lwandle on ntokozol@foodbev.co.za
Managing assessments:
It is mandatory to assess all training for accredited qualifications, part qualifications, and skills. In accordance with the assessment and NQF principles, FoodBev SETA can assess assessors’ historical qualifications. Assessment Quality Partners (AQPs) at the FoodBev SETA conduct occupational assessments.
For more information on how to apply to become a registered Assessor with the FoodBev Manufacturing SETA, contact:
Thabang Madihlaba: thabangm@foodbev.co.za or call on +27 11 253 7368
Managing moderations:
All Assessments conducted at a provider level are subject to internal moderations by a FoodBev SETA registered moderator.
External moderations, Internal moderations, and assessment results of every learner are subject to interval and exit external moderations to ensure that training, assessments and internal moderations are aligned with QCTO Quality Assurance Standards and requirements.
During interval moderation, learners must achieve 50% of their training qualification. An SDP must ensure assessment results are uploaded to SIMS and communicate with the QA Department about interval and/or exit moderations.
For more information on how to apply to become a registered Moderator with the FoodBev Manufacturing SETA please contact:
Thabang Madihlaba: thabangm@foodbev.co.za or call on +27 11 253 7368
Meet the QA Team
Contact details of QA Department